If you are visiting this blog, you probably enjoy adventures, expeditions and/or travelling in general. Then GREENTRIPPER might be something for you. Many years ago I met young climate warrior and CO2logic CEO Antoine Geerinckx. We became friends and CO2logic became partner in several of our adventures and expeditions, offsetting our emissions. About a year ago CO2logic started a more recent project #GREENTRIPPER. As an explorer I try to be a responsible traveller. Therefor I am happy to collaborate with Antoine’s new company, inspiring people to do the same.
In case you are looking for ways to calculate & compensate your trip’s carbon footprint, GREENTRIPPER is your partner. Whether you travel for pleasure, leisure or business, Greentripper enables you to give back to nature, and more specifically to climate. Greentripper gives you a solution to neutralize the CO2 impact of your travel. We guarantee your contribution makes a difference. The proposed climate projects are Gold Standard. Greentripper and CO2logic are verified by multiple organizations – including by Forum Ethibel and Vinçotte.

If you compensate by making a financial contribution for a CO2 reduction project in a developing country, there will be a CO2 reduction in this project equal to the CO2 emitted by your travel. This reduction would not happen without your support. Climate change is a global problem. The same benefit for the planet is achieved if we reduce a ton of CO2 here or a ton of CO2 in the developing countries. The advantage for the planet is worth it. We offer you, through CO2logic, +11 years of experience and an excellent reputation in international climate advisory & climate project development. We have & develop climate projects with local NGOs in Uganda, Benin, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Rwanda & DRC.
You can become a more responsible traveler through a few simple steps:
- Calculate & Compensate your trip’s CO2 emissions with certified climate projects
- Use organic & biodegradable (soap, suntan creme, washing powder, …) as these end up in waterways & destroy ecosystem, corals, …
- Don’t throw your waste into the wild, pick up litter you find on your way and drop it into the closest bin. Remember that any waste (plastic bags, cans, …) can cause death to local species (birds, fish, turtles, …)
- If you are a smoker take a pocket ashtray with you as cigarette filters pollute waterways and take a very long time to decompose.
- Don’t feed animals or touch animals, unless correctly informed, as it might seriously alter/harm their diet.
- Don’t pick up any flowers as many are close to extinction.
- Choose for green labelled hotels or other establishments. These places clearly care about preserving the environment and local resources. To help you in your research, there are ecolabels like Green Key (www.greenkey.global). This is a voluntary eco-label awarded to more than 2,500 hotels and other establishments in 54 countries.
- If you dive, don’t touch or step on anything. You might damage what you came for…
- Eat plant-based, but if you eat meat go for organic and/or local meat
- For your souvenir gifts, choose local artisans
- Don’t waste water, in most countries it has become a scarce resource
- If you stay at the same hotel for a while, ask not to change the towels unless necessary.
- In many countries the use of electricity has a high impact on climate change or is a scarcity. Turn off the light & electrical appliances and avoid the use of airco.

So please check out www.greentripper.org/ and tell us what you do (or what you are going to do) to be (or become) a responsible traveler.
Happy trails,